
VAKO Hydrogen tanks

VAKO has been producing pressure vessels for the storage of hydrogen for more than 40 years.

For example, VAKO GmbH & Co. KG delivered a total of 6 high-performance hydrogen storage tanks for IBERDROLA in Spain at the beginning of 2022, making it part of the largest electrolysis plants in Europe.

Competence from the manufacturer

Since our foundation 1968 the family company VAKO, located in Kreuztal (near Siegen) is a top address for a high-quality production of pressure vessels of any types and employs 60 competent and continously educated experts. We are specialized in manufacturing individual vessels for hydrogen storage and hydrogen production (H2 Adsorbers) on our 25.000 m² area including large storage areas

Our skilled employees take care with their long time “know-how“, a professional project management and a modern machinery park for a large manufacturing depth. We are able to plan, construct, design and manufacture oversized products.

H2 storage tank for

VAKO GmbH & Co. KG delivered a total of 6 high-performance hydrogen storage tanks for IBEDROLA in Spain at the beginning of 2022, making it part of one of the largest electrolysis plants in Europe.

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Manufacturing competence up to 100t

We manufacture vessels and shells up to a diameter of 4.500 mm, a single piece length of 45.000 mm and a single piece weight of 100 tons, suitable for gases, liquids, vapors and vacuum.

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VAKO Vakuumbehälter- und Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG